Upcoming Events
Alumni for Madras institute of neurology is now a reality. Around 200 neurologists are from MIN. Some of them are in their late 70’s and some have just entered the DM program. The green horn entering the first year looks up to seniors for guidance so that they can leap forward for a prosperous future, while the veteran at 75 wants to reflect on the past.
The in between group wants to link the budding neurologists with the tough skinner who are now gentler and approachable. The goal of this group is to foster a healthy relationship among all neurologists where senior faculties can mentor the young neurologists as well as post graduates. Apart from career guidance, placements within as well as outside the country can be posted here. Research activities, case discussions and fellowship opportunities in neurology sub specialties can be done and posted in this forum. Many have a deep love for MIN and some feel it’s a give back time to the Alma mater.
This group will serve all the above-mentioned purposes. “The snow has now gathered, it need not be an avalanche, a snow ball will do.”